We start to move into Winter, we wanted to arm you with some gardening tips for June. As the cold weather starts to hit hard, here are some tips to keep your garden looking lovely. The planning for a beautiful Summer garden starts now. Right now you will be doing all you can to make the most of the last warm and sunny days in South Africa. But, there are definitely little things you can start to do that will help you get your winter garden looking just lovely. Here is a list of gardening tips for June. Some little projects to keep your garden looking fantastic and keep your vitamin D topped up in the colder months.
What are the gardening tips for June – fruit and veg
Finish planning your winter and spring flower seedlings.Â
Plant your bulbs and veggies before the winter winds set in.
Water and fertilise your seedlings.
If you are not sure about your soil quality, add as much compost as possible.
If your soil has a high clay density, then raised flower beds will work best.
Start pruning your fruit trees and vines from the end of June or July because this is when may plants in your garden are considered dormant. Pruning your deciduous trees in late June will ensure a good crop in the coming season.
Water your fruit trees well, but early morning when things have warmed up is better.
Cover your little citrus trees with frost protection cloth.Â
Water your winter veggies once a week and remember to fertilise with a liquid fertilizer like 6:3:4.
What About Gardening Tips in June For Indoor Plants
Don’t forget to give your indoor plants some love too. Now is a good time to consider a few little projects that no longer than a few minutes over the weekend. Pick a day you know you are home over the weekend or a time every week to give your indoor plants some love too. Here are some things to remember about indoor plants in winter:
Cutting down on watering your indoor plants in cool or cold weather.
Feed your indoor flowering plants with liquid fertilizer only when needed.
Our lovely and dainty Cyclamen (pictured above) which is now in flower comes in shades of red, pink and white and will add colour and warmth to your indoor living areas or even on a well-protected patio.
Yet another gorgeous Winter beauty is the Cymbidium (picture below) is an Orchid, which is available in a variety of colours. When placed indoors in bright light (but no direct sunlight) these Winter beauties will flower all winter long.
Winter Gardening Tips Your Fruit and Veggies
Now let’s cover fruit and veg. Winter is a great time to get started with some new projects in your garden that include
Water your Winter veggies once a week and pop some organic fertilizer on your shopping list, like 6:3:4.
Interplanting is a good idea for June. When interplanting Sage, you will repel the White Fly and also Caterpillars.
Sow your Peas, Radishes and Turnips now. It is also a good time to thin out your carrots.
Keep going with your seedlings like Brassica, Swiss Chard, Peas, Chives, Leeks Onions, Rocket and Spring Onions.
Globe Artichokes can also be planted now. They will be beautiful as structural & accent plants to add to your garden.
June is also a good time to plan some Asian green seedlings like Mustard and Lettuce in your window boxes or planters. Sunny windowsills work best. And you will have a steady supply of fresh greens for your salads.
Calendula, Violas, Pansies, Petunias and Dianthus are also great plans to add to your winter annuals. They not only add colour but they will also repel insect pests and will attract beneficial insects like bees.
Remember to guide your peas, broad beans and Brussel Sprouts.
Cut back Rosemary and Thyme. These are evergreens that are probably oversized by now. Â
Move your little worm farm to a warmer place and keep feeding them your kitchen offcuts and keep them moist.
Gardening in June Is All About Maintenance and Preparation
Gardening in June will keep you busy and keep you off the couch. Ideally, this is the time to get the hard stuff done too.Â
Install garden ornaments like birdbaths, water features around your garden. Fix the leaky water features and faulty water pumps.
Repair or replace damaged or broken garden tools. Service and sharpen your pruning tools in preparation for the end of June.
Have plans to put little garden paths in place? Now is a good time to plan those little projects too.
Fix, mend and paint your garden fences. There will be less rain in Winter to stop play.
Now is also a great time to plan your summer garden. It is almost time to find a warm and protected area in your garden to get started on your favourite Summer garden plans for September this year.
When is the Winter Solstice in South Africa?
If like me you are already wondering when the Winter Solstice is in SA. Well, it’s on the 21st of June. It’s just around the corner really. In fact, it’s only 4 weeks away to the middle of winter. Then we are rolling into Summer again.
Remember That Gardens Do Make A Difference When You Sell A Property
We at KW Select say this because gardens really do make a difference when you sell a property. A well-maintained garden in Winter or Summer can cinch a deal. If you are thinking of selling your property then KW Select is your first choice. For more information about Gardening tips in July stay tuned. Please come back for more and we will keep sharing. Need a free property valuation, click here.
The post The Best Gardening Tips for June first appeared on KW Select.