Here are some sizzling canvassing tips to source more properties to sell in your area as an estate agent. The market has been tough, we know all of that.  Sellers seem stuck waiting for the market to change, and when it does, will you be ready to fly and hit the high notes you have been dreaming of? I had to laugh a colleague of mine almost said to a buyer and we all know how few there are, “SIR”.  I had to laugh because buyers are a little special at the moment and this article was written in May 2024.

Double Down With Your Lead Generation Now

Having read through Gary Keller’s book “The Shift” the one thing that I find comes up more often than I would like to admit are the words Lead Generation and Canvassing.  In a tough market, you need to work harder to stay in touch with your database.  More than ever, and if you need to double down as the Americans say then do it.  Double the work you are doing and the time you are spending doing Lead Generation or Canvassing. And remember in this business, your attitude will determine your altitude. Here are some sizzling canvassing tips to help you achieve the best results as an estate agent to find stock to sell.  And do you remember that good old Logbook that we all have memories of?  He who holds the stock (does the canvassing work) holds the market.

Know your numbers.  Work backwards from your big goal (Sales and take-home commission).
Look at how many leads you need to touch when you canvass based on what you have achieved in the past.  How many calls do you make before you get a valuation?
How many valuations do you need to get to every month and then every week to get a listing?
How many sales do you conclude and consider how many viewings you do for each of your properties.
Your commission?  If you are on a comm split, please consider what a better comm split could do for you.  It makes a really big difference, it really does.  Give me a call if you need more info.
Manage your budget more effectively.  at KW we call this the Red Light, Green Light budget model.  Cut stuff you really don’t need and can do without.  We need to get back to a place where all boats float.

I do into a little more detail below if you are interested and please remember that if you need additional training on any of these fronts, KW Select has all the training that you will need to help you to achieve the success you desire, to live a life by design.

You Cannot Do What You Have Always Done And Expect A Different Result With Lead Generation

I wanted to position how effective I found the KW CRM platform., especially from a Canvassing perspective.
I reach out to my contacts that I use for canvassing in 2 ways.  My CRM tools allow me to touch almost 15,000 contacts on my database every 3 months.
I am able to craft and develop effective quarterly campaigns to check-in.
It honestly takes me 2 days to create over 12 campaigns and they are working.
I reach out to contacts on my database I have never met before but that own a property in my farming areas.
I reach out to my active listings with a special message.
And I reach out to the buyers I have met and been in touch with.
I do a little more because I have the tools that allow me to stay in touch, even if it’s just a nice Hi and how are you doing?
The KW CRM solution is easy to use and helps me stay in touch in a market that is more than a little uncertain.  Need more info, give me Sandy a call on 083 550 1220.
I would love to do a little demo for you on how Canvassing is but 1 step in your lead generation mix.  And I can tell you the technology will totally blow you again.
What you put in with a robust CRM solution is what you will get out.
My Canvassing results have been surprising and have added to my canvassing strategy to obtain more stock to sell in the Randburg real estate market.
But, whatever you do, at least have a plan.  Swimming to an island and hiding there because the market is tough is not a good plan.
What is your plan?  Have you considered a strong actionable plan that includes what you are doing on Social Media?

Be a Dory And Crush Social Media It’s Part Of Your Mix

If you have no social media strategy then get started.  If you have no database start there as well.  If you have no CRM technology to leverage – let’s chat.  And remember “there have been fantastic estate agents that have gone before you and there will be fantastic agents that come after you.  Need to get started?

Other Little Canvassing Tips

What script are you using?  Is it consistent?  Have you prepared it?  Will it take no more than 2 minutes?
Try a little of this with calling.  Test different things, test the wording, test the age of your property owners?  Try stuff and see what is working better.
Why not warm up a lead with a little WhatsApp?
Try an SMS.  It’s also about breaking through the clutter.
Nurture your leads.  Decide how.  But have a plan.  Ours at Keller Williams is automated and it works!
Record yourself (take a video).
Why not record your practice session?  Energetic and confident or timid and wishy-washy?
Record and track your activities.  Track your results.  Do you keep baking a cake and just keep flopping?  Change the recipe.
Start small and build your confidence.    But start.
And know your numbers.
Do you know what listings are active in the area that you could leverage?
Are you controlling the narrative?
Do you know your numbers for your farming area?  Have you loosed closely at the various Lightstone reports.  Are you looking at the reports on P24?  Are you reading what is going on in the economy?
Are smiling into a mirror when you make your calls?
Are your objections prepared?  That includes POPI by the way.
Did you practice with a friend or an accountability buddy?  Because we never practice on clients, do we?  Are you a “lean mean listing machine today”?
Gary Player says “The harder I practice, the luckier I get”. 

Canvassing, In Summary

If you are a seasoned estate agent in the Randburg area and you need help, let’s chat.  I would love to put you in touch with the most amazing Team Leader for our business.  I have the info to share.  We have training to share and we have the most phenomenal business models to share.  It’s all there if you reach out for some help.  Call Sandy on 083 550 1220 and I would be happy to help.  If all you need is the free resources, visit our website and let me know what you need.  Click here to get in touch now.  DO you need to book a business chat with our Team Leader, Charlotte, click here.  We would simply love to help you and the KW brand has honestly changed the way I view my role in real estate I just love the tools I have access to now that I drive totally and completely

The post Simple Canvassing Tips That Work first appeared on KW Select.